Get to know the types of Double chin treatment services at Yas Bandar Abbas Clinic
It refers to drooping skin under the chin caused by sagging face and neck muscles and skin. The double chin could be congenital or the result of obesity, a disease that could lead to fat accumulation in this area.
There are numerous causes for double chin, including obesity and aging. As humans age, the skin loses its elastic property and the platysma muscle under the jaw and the neck loses its strength. This causes the skin under the neck to sag, creating a double chin.
Likewise, when the body muscles weaken for any reason, the face and neck muscles are also affected and it does not necessarily relate to aging or obesity. Therefore, the double chin also appears in people who are young and non-obese.
Hypothyroidism, weak adrenal glands, protein insufficiency of the diet, poor nutrition, and no exercise can weaken the muscles, including the platysma.
Congenital and genetic deficiencies and disorders, obesity and fat accumulation in the neck, weakness of the neck muscles, lack of the essential vitamins and proteins for muscle building and elasticity of the neck muscles and skin, the habit of keeping the chin down, and disease.
One of the services of Yas Beauty Clinic in Bandar Abbas is double chin treatment. You can do this service at a low cost and at the most reasonable price in Yas Beauty Clinic, which is one of the best, most equipped and cheapest beauty clinics in Bandar Abbas.